How To Disable the Windows Task Manager

Need to limit access to your computer by disabling the Task Manager? Here is a simple registry hack:

➡ Open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit and hit Enter) and navigate to the following key:


➡ Right-click on “Policies”, select New -> Key and name the key as System.

Note: If you are on Windows XP, you need not create the new key “System” as it is already present in it. So, you can directly navigate to the following key in the Step-1 itself:

➡ Right-click on “System”, create a new “DWORD” and name it to DisableTaskMgr.

➡ Double-click on the DWORD “DisableTaskMgr” and set the "Value data” to 1(0=Enable, 1=Disable).

➡ To enable the Task Manager, Set the “Value data” back to 0.

It works on Windows XP, Vista and 7.


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