MTN WowWeekend Terms And Conditions.

TGIF!! Here's another chance for you to get free MTN wow weekend bonus. If you are still unaware of the on-going MTN wow weekend data bonus offer, this is another opportunity and awareness post for MTN subscribers to get free 100MB or 1GB free MTN data when they recharge from N200 and above. But before you get in, it is important to know the rules that qualify MTN subscribers for the MTN WowWeekend data bonus.

3 Important Things That Qualify You For MTN Free Wow Weekend Data Bonus
➡ The free MTN WowWeekend data bonus commences on Friday each week, i.e. to say that you can start getting your free weekend bonus when you start recharging from Friday (00:01AM) and the offer last through till Sunday (11:59PM)

➡ we noticed that most people that recharged with N500 MTN airtime and were expecting to get the free 1GB free data were only given 100MB and yes that is the right thing, because MTN said recharge above N500 to get free 1GB wow weekend data bonus and recharge from N200 to N500 to get 100MB free data.

In other words if you must get your free 1GB MTN wow weekend data bonus, you must load with N501 on a single recharge and/or above to get it. We all know that there is no single MTN voucher of N501, thereby you have to either recharge with a single voucher denomination of N750 or N1,5000 or if you must recharge with N501 or other random airtime denominations that are higher than that, then you must do so by recharging via mobile banking app, ATM VTU, or other MTN Airtime Top Up means available.

➡ MTN WowWeekend data bonus is not available on all MTN tariff plans; the MTN tariff plans that are eligible for this offer are MTN TruTalk, MTN XtraPro, MTN XtraSpecial, MTN Pulse, and MTN BetaTalk, while the other MTN tariff plans that do not qualify for the offer are MTN BIZ Plus, MTN BizClass and MTN Yellow LifePlus.

In conclusion, if you have to enjoy the free MTN WowWeekend data bonus, you must be on any of those qualified tariff plans and you must load with the appropriate amount of airtime on a single recharge from Friday to Sunday.


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